2 Drops of Amaretto Perfection

19/04/2021 The childhood nostalgia of tiramisu with two drops of Amaretto brought this Italian, new generation Amaretto to life.

Jean-Robert Bellanger, the creator of ADRIATICO, found the calling for creating his liqueur brand in the memories of having tiramisu created by his mother. Including two drops of amaretto, the tiramisu was always his favorite dessert and thus, he decided to bring to life a liqueur that showed his love for the dessert his mother so fondly made for him during his childhood days.

Amaretto Adriatico

Amaretto Adriatico, Source Facebook

With amaretto being a big part of Italian spirits, Jean always wished to create something new, something that appealed to the new generation and the changing times. He also wanted to keep the spirit of his childhood, the Italy he knew alive with his brand. Today, ADRIATICO is made only in Puglia, exclusively with the Apulian or the “Filippo Cea” almonds. The process that follows picking the almonds is what makes these liqueurs from Amaretto ADRIATICO so great and among the select liqueur brands to win at the 2020 USA Spirits Ratings.

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